I seem to be speeding along quite nicely this month, working on fulfilling my August goals. Not only have I finished crocheting the bear parts for the Baby Man’s afghan, but I have also finally finished part 3 of Papillon Creation’s Castles in the Air. The formal garden is done, and the peacock is started.
Castles in the Air (Parts 1-3, and some 4) by Papillon Creations
Fibres: DMC and Petite Treasure Braid
Fabric: 28ct Lugana in Wind from Enchanting Lair
I’m also moving along on my Lily of the Valley Socks, even with all the nupps. I believe I have done 60 so far with another 40 to go. My nupp-making confidence has grown by leaps and bounds, but I’m still not quite ready to tackle this Lily of the Valley Stole again. (For you non-knitters, a nupp is like 5 stitches in one, knit in a special way to make it look like a pretty little lump on the fabric. In this case, they mimic the flowers on a Lily of the Valley. They can be very fiddly to do, unless you cheat a little, like I am.)
Lily of the Valley Sock by Susan Lawrence/Knit Picks
Yarn: S. R. Kertzer’s On Your Toes Bamboo, Ivory
I’ve circled a nupp in the photo above. It is hard to see, but it sits on the fabric and gives dimension to the pattern. Now, you may be wondering how I’m “cheating” when I’m making these. Since there are 5 strands to these nupps, I’m slipping the first two, knitting the next three through the back loop, and then slipping the two I slipped before over the new stitch.. Viola! A nupp! The nupps on the foot of the sock are only 3 strands, so I won’t have to do this for them. Even with all this fussing, I think these are my favourite pair of socks so far. I can see myself knitting them again and again, so that I always have a pair to wear.
I have one more thing to share: I have two pieces that are finalists in the Silkweaver Showcase 2009! I can’t believe it! My Seaside Garden is in small, and How Does Your Garden Grow is in medium. You can see the finalists here:
I believe the winners are to be announced today. I don’t expect to win because there are several pieces much more lovely than mine, and I don’t think they picked the best pieces that I entered either. I think my H Fairy was much prettier than my How Does Your Garden Grow. But, to each their own, eh?
I do have to admit that it is gratifying to see my How Does Your Garden Grow as a finalist. For that design I picked all the colours, and wasn’t sure how good of a job I did. It is nice to know that someone other than me likes it!
Well, back to stitching!
Congratulations on being a finalist in two categories! I like your socks, they’re really pretty. I admire people who know how to knit. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I just can’t do it.