Endless Button Band, and Some Books

Progress continues on the Central Park Hoodie.  I’m working on both the endless, long, never-ending button band and the second sleeve.  Sadly, no pictures today because the husband has taken the camera.  You’ll just have to believe me that it is coming along well, and I just may have enough yarn left over to make myself a pair of Fetching too!  (Ah, those viral knitting patterns.  I am not immune.)

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours sewing, and was able to put the finishing touches on three bellpulls, one pillow top (ran out of fabric for the back), and one pillow.  I will share pictures of those tomorrow too.  I also finished up Enchanting Lair’s Realm of Wishes.  It was a very productive day.

So, you  might be wondering why I’m doing a blog post when I don’t have much to share.  Well, through Stitch Bitch, I came across the 10 Book Reading Challenge hosted by Reading and Stitching.  The idea is to read ten books before the end of the year.  Vicki will enter all of the participants into a draw for a $10 B&N gift certificate, which is lovely incentive.

Since I am a voracious reader, I’ve decided to take part.  Vickie asks participants to post their list of books, but says the list can be updated at any time.  So, here is what I’m planning to read as of today:

  1. History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt
  2. Paul of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson
  3. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
  4. Empire by Orson Scott Card
  5. Way of the Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock (Hi, Autumn!)
  6. Dark Mirror by Juliette Marillier
  7. Blade of Fortriu by Juliette Marillier
  8. Mircosurfs by Douglas Coupland
  9. Knitter’s Almanac by Elizabeth Zimmerman (it really is way more than just knitting patterns, honest!)
  10. Dairy of Lady Mursaki by Murasaki Shikibu

I have a wide taste is literature, eh?

I’d love to know if you are planning on taking part, and if so, what will you read?  Head over to Reading and Stitching right away to sign up, as the deadline is September 15th.

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1 Responses to Endless Button Band, and Some Books

  1. Autumn says:

    I just read I Capture the Castle for the first time this summer; I enjoyed it a lot.

    *waves back!*