In my last post I mentioned that I had spent the afternoon sewing. My sewing skills are pretty minimal. I can make drawstring bags (like this one), or paper-piecing quilts (I’ve made four of these), and I can finish bellpulls. They just are a little, you know, cockeyed.
Here’s How Does Your Garden Grow finally finished into a bellpull. The bellpull hardware is a little big, but I got it for 75% off when my NSLNS closed, so I’m not complaining much.

How Does Your Garden Grow by Papillion Designs
I also turned Once Upon a Tree into a bellpull, and had hardware that fit it much better.

Once Upon a Tree by Jeanette Douglas Designs
It is a lovely design, and I am really looking forward to stitching A Needle Pulling Thread, which uses exactly the same tree motif.
I turned Victoria Sampler’s Birds of a Feather into a bellpull too, but I don’t have any hardware small enough for it. Hopefully sometime in the nearish future I can make a VS order and pick up some 8cm hardware, and I would love her new Gingerbread Stitching House too. (Santa, are you listening?)
I also turned Brittercup Designs’ I Love My Cat into a pillow top. I ran out of material for the back, but have since bought more of the red stripes to finish it off. (I wanted the blue flowers, which is an April Cornell fabric, but they had none left.)

I Love My Cat by Brittercup Designs
I also finished up my Swirlygig, which I sent off to Stitch Bitch for her competition. I can’t wait to see how everyone interpreted the design. I do know that mine will be far from the best, since a couple of my seams are off and, well, I’m no where near as creative as a lot of you ladies are. My goodness, every time I had out to look at your blogs, I’m totally blown away by how you all are so brave in changing and finishing designs. It is wonderful, though, and a nice change from when we all seemed so focused on following the directions to the letter.
And I finished the stitching on Enchanting Lair’s Realm of Wishes. I left off the border so that it would better fit in a standard frame. And, again, I’m struck by how totally different mine looks from either the cover model or the one on the website.

Realm of Wishes by Enchanting Lair
I’ve also finished all the knitting for my Central Park Hoodie. I now need to attach both sleeves, attach the buttons, and make the button loops. And that’s it! I am hoping to work on this today, but it all depends how things go with the little man. (I’m beginning to understand why parents look forward to school starting. Baby Man doesn’t start until 2012, when he will be 4 1/2. But, the rumour is that even junior kindergarten will be all day by then. I’m not sure if I will be ready for that, but it will be nice to have some uninterrupted time again… in three years.)
And to be truthful, I haven’t started something new, even though I really want to. Yesterday I finished the gusset decreases on those annoying two-at-a-time socks. I can’t wait until they are done. Then, maybe, I will start something new.
And, a last little bit of good news: I won the Manga Cross-Stitch book from Mr. X-Stitch’s contest! See. Woot! That’s twice I’ve won something this year. (Thank you again, Erica!) It almost makes up for my exchange partner not coming through. (Almost, but not. I’m so mad about that.)
These are lovely, congratulations!
.-= Giovanna´s last blog ..Pre-stitching =-.
Your finishes are lovely! Can I hire you to make a bellpull for me??? 🙂
You know, for someone with a little person around, you sure do get lots of stuff finished! Do you ever stand back and take a look at them all? You get so much done!
Sorry about your exchange partner falling through – that’s the pits! Glad I could make up for it a little bit!
Thank you, ladies.
I think the reason I get so much done is because I don’t have a moment where I’m not doing something. If I’m not playing with/changing/bathing/feeding/walking Baby Man then I am knitting/cross stitching/crocheting/reading. I always need to be doing something. I think, too, but keeping up with my hobbies, I am retaining more of myself and nothing becoming completely Baby Man’s mommy, if you know what I mean.
Hey, don’t sell yourself short! (And congratulations on the win. Score!)
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Swirlygig Contest, closing today =-.