I should be posting my SALsuffit today. And, honestly, I do have a few things I finish-finished this month (actually this afternoon), but I am dead tired and don’t feel like taking picture right now. I gave blood this weekend, which always tires me out for a couple of days, and I was awake at 5:20 this morning because I’m weird. So, no pictures. Instead, I will review my November goals a day early.
- Stitch and finish at least three Christmas ornaments
- Finish the back stitching on Baby Man’s stocking
- Finish that Christmas gift
- Finish a second Christmas gift that is also ready started
- Finish the Pink Ribbon Socks
- Cross off at least one more design from my 2009 Goals list
Let’s see: Baby Man’s stocking is done, I’ve finished (and finish-finished) seven ornaments, finished three Christmas gifts (and have one more about half done), and finished the Pink Ribbon Socks. I didn’t finish a design from my goal list, but I am counting that as complete too since I did finish You Were Hatched, which would have been on my goal list if I had had it or knew I was getting it. If that makes any sense. (Do I ever make any sense?)
My December goals are a little lighter, sort of. Of course, most of them need to be accomplished before Christmas
- Sew up Baby Man’s stocking
- Knit a shawl before the 13th (ack!)
- Finish up Christmas gifts (2 or 3 more to go)
- Crochet some of these to give to visiting family (maybe 5 of them?)
- Crochet this for Baby Man as a Yule gift
- Figure out punchneedle
- Work on Baby Man’s birth sampler
- Get ready for the holidays before the holidays (ha!)
December is going to be busy. Beyond all of that above, I’ll be going into the office at least one day (ack!), going to Gitta’s holiday open house sale (yay!), going to see King Tut (YAY!), going to see The Sound of Music, entertaining family (possibly twice), and goodness knows what else.