Now What?

I’m not sure if I’m alone in this, but whenever I finish a major project I always have a difficult time deciding what to work on next.  Oh, it’s not like I don’t have a whole pile of things to work on. There’s Baby Man’s birth sampler (he’s very nearly 2 and a half, so I’m not that far behind), Christmas Treasures by Victoria Sampler which is also for Baby Man and for which I got the box just yesterday, TW’s new Miniature Spring Sampler, etc., etc. I mean, seriously, I have upwards of 40 projects actually started and over 50 more that are all ready to go.

I think I need to prioritize what I want to do.  First, there is Christmas Treasures for the box for Baby Man, but that has a lot of speciality stitches, so it needs to be for a night when I can sit quietly and think while I am stitching.  There is also the design I am doing for an exchange.  That is fairly straightforward stitching, and a good project for most of the time.  I’d also like to get going again on Kitchen Blessing for my husband (although my sister-in-law hated it because it wasn’t the proper Chinese red and gold). That design is now a lot of one colour stitching all around the border.

I think three projects is a good amount to focus on. I should be able to keep going and not get too bored with any of them. Of course, there is that Mill Hill Halloween ornament I really want to work on too…  See, that’s how it starts, and the next  thing you know, I have 40 more projects started. Argh!

My other issue is that Elann, an online yarn shop, has a sale on one of the yarns I really love.  They are selling Rowan Purelife Organic Cotton for 60% off! That is amazing, trust me. Rowan yarn is expensive mainly because of the name, but any way you look at it, $4/ball for organic DK weight cotton is an excellent price.  The problem? My overflowing stash? No, are you kidding?  It is the fact that I don’t know what to make with it! I’ve been poking around on Ravelry for ages, and nothing is jumping out at me. Right now I’m leaning towards this one (warning: link to pdf). Maybe I should just buy 12 or 13 balls and set it aside for later.

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2 Responses to Now What?

  1. Annie says:

    You are really a serial starter! I never have more than 2 projects going at once and generally only 1! Comes from living in a small space I guess.

    That cardigan you are thinking about is beautiful. I’d go with that one.

  2. Blu says:

    Lately I’ve been a chronic starter. Lots of big starts and almost no big finishes. But 40! That’s crazy talk!
    Go ahead, get the yarn. If you buy it the project will come 😉