One of my goals this year is to stitch Joan Elliott’s 12 Days of Christmas for my mom. It is a big piece, and I do have a lot on my plate this year (and I would absolutely love to add more, like Chatelaine’s new Chinese Mandala Garden), but I was pretty confident I could manage it.
And then I opened up the kit. (I bought the kit because the chart is $12+$5US shipping, and the kit was $24CAN. I changed out the aida for linen.)
The chart is tiny! The symbols are cramped in their little grid squares, so much so that some of them look like they run into the grid lines. And, just to make things fabulous, the printing isn’t particularly dark. And that means blowing it up with my scanner/computer makes it just look like a photocopy of a photocopy. Blech.
I have, however, made a little bit of progress.
There is a good ending (or middle) to this story. I contacted Design Works, and they are sending me an enlarged chart. Hopefully that will make stitching this design the pleasure it should be.
I got this one for Christmas! I don’t often buy kits preferring to use my stash of threads and own choice of fabric but it was on offer and MIL paid!
I’m going to have a look at my chart now and see what the quality is like.
Also, what colour metallic did your kit come with? Mine is very bronze – nice but not the gold it looks like on the cover.
Nice start!
Hope the new and improved and easier-to-read chart arrives soon.