My March self-imposed sock club isn’t going isn’t going quite as planned. The yarn hasn’t arrived in the mail, so I doubt I will be able to get the pair of socks I designated as my “March socks” done in March.
Since I don’t want to fail in my third month, I’ve decided to make a bit of change for March: it will be two pairs of socks!
The first is a pair of anklets which I actually started last December. They kept getting put on hold while I worked on various other projects.

Saturday Socks from Knit Picks
These are the Saturday Socks from Knit Picks, knit in their Comfy Fingering yarn in colour 5090 Lilac. The yarn and pattern was part of their Fancy Feet Anklets Kit from last summer or there about.

Saturday Socks - Cables
Although the pattern was written to have the cables on both socks the same, I decided to switch them to make the socks look more balanced. (I apologize for the poor pictures. We haven’t had much sun here for the last little while.) The colour of the socks is more true in this picture.
The second pair of socks for March is a simple pair of anklets made using Berroco Comfort Baby (which is the same composition as their Comfort Sock yarn, just a different range of colours). The colourway is 4811 Multi Baby, and as you can see, I got some weird pooling at at the gusset.

Simple Short Sock
I used the Channel Island cast on that I learned at the Lucy Neatby workshop, and I am very please with how it turned out. It is very stretchy, and looks really nice too.

Channel Island cast on and eye of partridge heel flap
Unfortunately, these socks are turning out to be a little too big for me, but it looks like they will fit my mom just fine. Funny how, with the number of socks I’ve made this year, I haven’t ended up with very many new pairs for myself. I think I need to do something about that.