Royalty ABC to I

One of my purchases at the Needleworkers’ Marketplace was Royalty ABC by Jeanette Douglas. I also bought the thread and embellishment kit, just to make my life much easier. I have an ever increasing collection of odd colours of NPI and Splendour, thanks to all the Jeanette Douglas and Victoria Sampler kits I have stitched, but it seems I’m always short a handful of colours for whatever design I decide to tackle.

What little stitching time I’ve had this week as been given over to Royalty ABC. And, as you can see, it hasn’t been all that much.

Royalty ABC from Jeanette Douglas (WIP)

It is a beautiful design in person. The silk threads seem to glow on the fabric (Heritage from Enchanting Lair). I can’t wait to finish it up and hang on my wall.

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1 Responses to Royalty ABC to I

  1. Blu says:

    Oh wow, that’s pretty! Such nice colours and lots of specialty stitches.