Covering My (Paper)Back

More serger projects! What can I say? I’m on a roll!

Yesterday I whipped up another project from [amazon_link id=”0896896900″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Ready, Set, Serge[/amazon_link]: a paperback book cover.

Paperback Book Cover

I used 100% quilt-quailty cotton, and serged all the seams.

Book Cover Inside

I’m pretty proud of how much better I’m getting at sewing/serging straight lines! Having a few really nice finished projects under my belt really does a lot to raise my self-esteem. I think I might be making a couple more of these. Christmas gift, anyone?

Book Cover Open


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2 Responses to Covering My (Paper)Back

  1. cucki says:

    it is so so creative.well done xx

  2. Caitlin says:

    What a lovely book cover! I’m going to have to make myself one of those.