I love blog hops, and I love answering questions. So, let’s all do the Blog Hop from Stitching the Night Away. I’m looking forward to stopping by your blog to read your answer.
The prompt this time is:
Do you set stitching goals for yourself and how do you plan them out? (Weekly, monthly, annually?) What are your current stitching goals (if you don’t mind sharing)?
In addition to setting goals for yourself, do you have a special reward that you reserve for when you reach a stitching goal?
Oh dear… goal setting. I’m sure all my regular readers know that I try to set goals. And, well, I hardly ever meet them. Remember, this year I was supposed to work on a Teresa Wentzler design every month. That hasn’t work out too well.
So, I would say that I do work with goals, but that they are very flexible and are more guidelines to remind myself what I would like to do, but aren’t really hard deadlines that I work towards. If that makes any sense at all.
My current stitching goals are linked up there at the top right. I’ve been following along pretty well, but not perfectly. Mostly, I’m just trying to keep up with Theme-alicious and WIPocalpyse.
I don’t reward myself for reaching my stitching or knitting goals. I think that finishing the project is reward enough. I guess you’d say that I’m in in both for the process and the product. Both are equally as important to me.
Visit all the blogs in this round of the Stitching the Night Away Stitching Blogger Blog Hop. Find the instructions on how to participate in this round by clicking here.
I don’t do goals much. My current “goal” is to finish Eclipse. Haven’t decided what I’ll work on next. Too many options!