Firstly, welcome to the new home for Reflections in the Pond! I’m very happy to have a new URL and a new webhost. Hopefully it will be a long and uneventful relationship. 😉 The blog has been successful moved over, thanks to my husband spending the last few days tweaking all sorts of things that are easy to forget about–like all the pictures still linking to the old site.
By the end of the month, everything at the old address will disappear and you will be automatically forwarded here. If you read my site through a reader like Google Reader, you will need to update your feeds. Let me know if you need any help with that.
And now, a few days late, but still here: the Totally Useless Stitch-Along post for June.

This month I added lots of yarn from the socks I knit. All that green is from a pair I just finished up on Tuesday. I haven’t taken a picture of them yet, though. I also added a lot of purple silks while working on I am a Creative Soul. Overall, I think I had a very productive month.

Look at all that bright green!
Lovely looking jar! You have used lots of greens the past month:-)