Fields of White

Ugh! I know that I don’t like working with large swaths of white. And, yet, I do it again and again.

V-neck pullover designed by Sirdar

The pattern is 1753 Sweaters (great name, eh?) from Sirdar. The yarn is Knit Picks Cotlin in colour Swan, which isn’t exactly white but is close enough. I made the option with the v-neck, but round neck instructions are included in the pattern.

“Hey little man, let’s pretend to be a model today!”

I made the sweater just a little bit longer than called for in the pattern, in hopes that it might actually make it through two winters. (The little man is tall and very thin, like his daddy.)

And least you think I am crazy for knitting a white sweater for a little boy, his school uniform colours are navy and white. And, yep, a navy sweater will be on the needles in a month of two.

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3 Responses to Fields of White

  1. Giovanna says:

    Well done, it’s a very sweet sweater and it looks great on your cute little man.

  2. He looks so handsome and grown up in his new sweater! I hope the length holds for you. We buy L’s clothes too big sometimes, but even then, it doesn’t always work. They just grow so darn fast!!

  3. Margaret says:

    Gorgeous sweater and your little guy looks so very cute 🙂
