Love Stitching

I love to stitch, and I love Mill Hill kits. So, of course I had to stitch this:

Love Stitching, designed by Mill Hill

Love Stitching, designed by Mill Hill

I know that several stitchers out there are stitching this, so I’m sure you’ve seen it before. 😉 I like the design, and it was interesting stitching with Sullivan’s floss. But, I’m pretty sure now that I wouldn’t go out of my way to stitch with Sullivan’s again. Will I avoid Mill Hill kits because of it? No, I don’t think so.

I think my main issue with Sullivan’s is that is very sewing thread-like. By that I mean it is tightly twisted and doesn’t feel as soft as DMC. It also seems to tangle and twist more easily, but because it is so tightly twisted to begin with, it is a bit easier to unknot it. Ultimately, my experience just confirms that DMC is my cotton floss of choice.


Hey, did you know I’m hosting a giveaway right now? Check out this post for more information.

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4 Responses to Love Stitching

  1. Very cute. How was the coverage of the Sullivan’s thread?

  2. Carolyn Nye says:

    I love your finish. Thanks for the heads up on the thread. I hate, hate, hate untangling thread. I know if I used the thread you spoke of I would probably throw it away.

    I like DMC and I have lots of it.

  3. Giovanna says:

    Pretty finish – congrats!

  4. Joanne P says:

    Lovely little ornie, I’m quite a fan of Mill Hill. I’ve only used Sullivans once, the free skein that came with JCS. Not a fan at all, very poor quality. It’s not really available here in the UK so I won’t be seeking it out. Anchor is the second most used thread here, their black is equivalent to DMC’s for coverage so I will use that sometimes.