Guided Journaling Giveaway

Last year, thanks to Pinterest, I came across Christie Zimmer and her fabulous free guided journaling pages. I used to be an enthusiastic journaler before I got into more regular blogging, but I have never lost my love of journaling and especially my deep love of guided journaling. And when she started offering small journals for sale in her etsy shop, well, I had to get one for myself and another for a gift. And then she released a second volume and I realized that I needed to share these fabulous journals with all my blogging friends.

Guided Journaling Giveaway Prizes!

Guided Journaling Giveaway Prizes!

So, this week’s giveaway is a copy of Christie’s wonderful Adventures in Guided Journaling – Vol. 2 along with a very cute friendship card that you can colour, fill in, and mail off to one of your friends.

How do you enter? Just leave a comment below and let me know about your first journal/diary, your favourite journal, where you like to journal, or anything along those lines. You need to tell me something about your journaling to be entered, even if you don’t journal and just want to get started tell me that. The giveaway runs through today (April 1st) through to Saturday, April 6th at about 9pm Eastern. Please be sure to leave a working email address so I can get in touch with you if you win.

Interior of pocket journal and the front of the business card

Interior of pocket journal and the front of the business card

And the best part: there are a few more goodies that will be revealed later in the week. Come back and leave another comment on that post (I’ll have a new question for you) and you can get a second entry into the draw.

And, while you are at it, please take a moment to head over to Christie’s blog Grace is Overrated and check out her lovely artwork and free journal pages and printables. She is a very, very talented woman, a genuinely nice lady, and she was super helpful when it came to putting this giveaway together. Thank you, Christie!

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19 Responses to Guided Journaling Giveaway

  1. Lynda says:

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I think I received my first diary (with its little lock!) when I was around 8 years old and I have been keeping some sort of journal almost ever since (that was many many many years ago!). I’m off to visit Christie’s blog for more inspiration! Thanks for the chance!

  2. Anna says:

    When I was younger, I almost always would keep a journal for about two weeks after every time I broke up with a boyfriend. Then I’d get happy and stop again! My blog is definitely the longest I’ve ever done any kind of journaling. (And coincidentally, that’s without any break ups!)

  3. Lisa Bergin says:

    Thank you so much for posting this, the link to the guided journal pages is amazing. I first kept a diary when I was a child and won at a school fete a five year diary with lock and key. Throughout my teens I regulary wrote in diaries of various sorts and then for awhile whilst my children were small. Since then not so much. I love the creativity of this style of journalling and intend to give it ago. It may even spark some creativity within me 🙂

  4. L.McG.-E. says:

    As a child I kept a diary, sometimes one of those lockable five-year ones just to be more private. Over the years I have diaried on and off, including during my university and early marriage, becoming a parent years. Now I am journalling to help me uncover my dreams and aspirations and focus on where I want this second stage of my life to go as well as letting go of negativity that has dogged me this past few years.

    This wonderful guided journal would be so helpful toward that.


  5. Sara says:

    I have only recently heard about guided journaling and the more I look into it, the more I like it! It seems like a really great way to record thoughts and ideas and prompt me to do something more for me! I haven’t kept a journal since I was a little girl, but I think it would be nice to begin again.

  6. Joanne P says:

    Brilliant question!
    My first diary was a Letts Disneyland Diary for the year 1975. I wrote in it every day and kept a diary from then until when I was about 18.
    My first entry read “Today I went to Nana’s house. I had tea with Nana. we played I Spy, My Aunt and Girls’ Names.”
    It is a real life riveting story of life in working class England in the 70’s! I do love re-reading it.

  7. Pingback: Love Stitching | Stitching Lotus

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  9. Darlene says:

    I originally journaled as a child but gave that up when someone read it. I then started journaling again as an adult and now journal as well as maintain two different blogs.

  10. Carolyn Nye says:

    Thank you for joining my giveaway and letting me know about yours.

    I’ve never kept a journal and always wanted to do so. This journal sounds like a fun one that I could do. I always have thoughts running through my head. This would be ideal for me as I will think of some quote or thought and wished I had a pen and paper to jot it down to remember later.

    I would love to be included in this giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!


  11. Marie says:

    I started my first diary as a teenager. My mom found where I hid it in my room and read it. She was not terribly happy with a few of my secrets. I remember feeling so violated. I have journaled off and on again over the years since, but probably never as freely as that first diary.

  12. NatashaS says:

    I was an avid journaler until I got into serious trouble as a child when my mother read my journal and didn’t like what I had to say about my step-father. Guided journaling sounds like the perfect way to get back into the swing of things.

  13. Robyn Smith says:

    I began journaling when I was a young girl. Being the fourth child of 5, it was an outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings without being made fun of or told I was wrong to think that way. I could get all my emotions and thoughts out on paper and not have to carry them in my head. It is very interesting now, to go back and read my journals and see the red flags now, that I saw then, but didn’t realize it. To see prayers answered and to see growth. Sadly, I haven’t kept it up like I should, and do have a desire to get back to it. These little journals would be a good way to get started again.

  14. I started journaling when i was about 12-13 years old. all my old journals are stored at my mother’s house and my adult ones are in my bedside table drawer. I lost touch with journaling when i had my kids (very sporadic) and Christie’s pages got me back into when she started – i loved discovering her all that time ago and would love to win this prize!

  15. Anna says:

    I used to journal all the time when I was at school and have a huge pile of completed journals under my bed. I would love to get back into it.

  16. Pingback: Guided Journaling Giveaway – Part 2 | Stitching Lotus

  17. Nicole says:

    I always kept a journal when I was younger, laying in my bed and writing about anything and everything… whether it was in a binder full of paper or a beautiful boxed journal set 🙂 A lovely giveaway!

  18. Mari Adkins says:

    I think I started keeping a “diary” when I was eleven or twelve – single subject, spiral bound notebooks, because they were handy. I never stopped. I kept journaling straight on through until about 2007. Last Summer, I got enthusiastic about journaling again (one of the reasons was the Grace is Overrated blog! seriously!), and stocked up on two moleskines, several notebooks, discovered Smashbooks, and started stocking supplies – crayons, pens, markers, stickers, ephemera … anything I can get my hands on. I also started a journaling group on Facebook – Journaling Journey. We have weekly (or bi-weekly) challenges, and we’re always sharing prompts and pictures, and whatever else we can about journaling. Stuff like these guided journals keep us going. 🙂

  19. I kept diaries a few times while growing up, but wasn’t consistent about it. Started a LiveJournal years ago to try the modern equiv and have varied in my dedication to it. Interested in trying something different.