Smalls SAL – A Work in Progress

Ladies, I have received a lot of great feedback about a stitch along for next year. Thank you so much to all of you who have said how much you enjoyed this year’s SAL, and how it was helpful in getting you to work through all those ornaments you’ve been meaning to stitch. While I toyed with the idea of doing a finishing SAL for next year, so we can get all these lovely ornaments ready for our Christmas trees, gift giving, or what-have-you, I decided that that didn’t sound like very much fun. I’d rather stitch than finish, which could be why I have a giant pile of things waiting for me to do something with them…

A pile of partly-stitched smalls.

A pile of partly-stitched smalls.

But I digress. It looks like a Smalls SAL is a very popular choice for next year. So, I’m working on putting that together. I will have a sign-up sheet, badge for your blog, and more information for you by the end of November. It will work similar to this year’s SAL: you stitch one small a month (ornament, pinkeep, small design, whatever) and share it with everyone else on check-in day. Then, you head over here to leave a link (enter a draw?), and take a look at everyone else’s stitching.

All most done! Now I just have to stitch the back...

All most done! Now I just have to stitch the back…

What makes a small? Well, I thought about setting some rules. For example, it should be no more than 60×60 stitches. But, I think it ultimately should be something you can stitch in about a month. I also thought about limiting the projects to new ones only, but I think if you have a WIP with only a few stitches done, it will still be just fine to stitch for the SAL. This isn’t a contest about who can get the most done in 2014. It is about working on all those smalls we have been meaning to stitch, sharing our results with fellow stitchers, and getting inspired. (And me stitching up a bunch of Teresa Wentzler smalls…)

So, let me know what you think. And, don’t forget, we still have two Ornament SAL check ins left for 2013. The next one is on November 27, and the final one is on December 30th. I can’t wait to see more of your stitching, and to hear from you about the 2014 Smalls SAL!

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6 Responses to Smalls SAL – A Work in Progress

  1. I recognize the two WIP smalls you show there, and have finished both of mine! I won’t be joining in, at least not monthly. I prefer working on somewhat larger projects than smalls, although I do some smalls. If I do smalls each month, will severely cut into my time on my larger projects.

  2. Anna says:

    This sounds great. Even though I fell down on October’s ornament, I’m still getting stuff done! I’d also be happy to sign up for a finish along, even if you think that’s boring. It would be good motivation.

  3. Susan says:

    You’re supposed to finish these into something?!?! That explains why I have a box full of things just sitting in the closet! 😎 I like the idea of a smalls SAL, mine will probably end up being mostly ornaments, but there are lots and lots of things in my TBS box.

  4. SoCal Debbie says:

    Yes, I’d love to participate! Hopefully I’ll get more ornaments done next year, maybe a few bookmarks too!

  5. Zeb A. says:

    Looking forward to participating next year 🙂

    I’m all for a stitching SAL. This and the Just Nan SAL I am running will be the two main ones I do next year!

    I also don’t think we should specify what classifies as small, as for each person it’s different.

  6. Joanne P says:

    I like Susan’s comment! It’s the journey not the destination LOL.

    I’m definitely in, I stitch mostly smalls during the day because it’s easier to pick up and put down a small project. I have two charity leaflets I want to stitch from and a Dragon Dreams project per month, this will be a great motivator.

    Plus the regular posts help give shape to my blogging.