About Heather
Needleworker, Knitter, Crocheter, Sewist, Paper Crafter, and more!
Also known as Silverlotus & Stitchinglotus
Located just outside of Toronto, Canada.
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Monthly Archives: July 2014
Smalls SAL – July Check-In
It is Smalls SAL check-in time again! I don’t know about you, but for me July has just sped by. We are less than two weeks from our closing date on the new house, and there is so much left … Continue reading
Flashback 2000
I’ve always taken a long time to finish projects. This Kitty Angel kit from Dimensions was started back when I was in high school, and it wasn’t finished until I was nearly done university. (And it took me years more … Continue reading
Threadworx and Needle Necessities
A few weeks ago I ran out of some Needle Necessities thread while I was working on Enchanting Lair’s Love. Unfortunately, Needle Necessities was discontinued a few years ago, but Threadworx arose to take its place.1 The colour names are … Continue reading
Blue Butterflies for My Feet
A week and a half ago or so I whined about how I’ve had to cut back on knitting and other things for a little while to allow the nerve in my elbow to heal a bit. Thankfully, things seem … Continue reading
Sitch from Stash – July Check-In
It’s Stitch from Stash check-in time again! When I signed up for this challenge, I really hoped that I would be able to hold off on all spending for the majority of the year. But, that didn’t happen. My will … Continue reading
11th Blogiversary
Eleven years ago today I began this blog1. Back then it had a different name (Reflections in the Pond), dealt with a different subject, was hosted at a different URL, and used a different blogging platform (Movable Type). But, even … Continue reading
Flashback – 1998
A few days ago I shared some stitching pictures from back in 1996. Now, I’m sure I did some stitching in 1997 (I was well known for working on little ornament kits during university lectures), but I couldn’t find any … Continue reading