Metal Flowers

As you might remember, I’ve played around with chainmaille a little bit in the past. I’ve even got a Pinterest board that is full of projects I’d like to tackle some day. So, when the fall Creativ Festival rolled around again last month, I was keen to get some more chainmaille supplies and try a couple of things.

New chainmaille supplies

New chainmaille supplies

I picked up this nifty little container full of the most common ring sizes, a new pair of pilers, a couple of kits, and some pretty scales. And, while I haven’t had time to do much, I have managed to make this:

Chainmaille flower

Chainmaille flower

It is a scale flower, made from a kit from Metal Designz. It was easy to make, but a touch fiddly. And, my goodness, does having two good pliers ever make a difference.

I’m thinking that these might make pretty Christmas ornaments, if I get a chance to make a few more. I’d also like to try my hand at some of the scale butterflies, and maybe even some of the fancy stars. I think I may need to do an online order…

If you’d like to try making a scale flower yourself, here is a free tutorial for a similar flower.

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4 Responses to Metal Flowers

  1. Kate says:

    Very neat!

  2. Gracie says:

    Wow…looks like you are making pretty flowers.

  3. Blu says:

    Wow that looks so cool!

  4. Kim McCool says:

    This is so pretty and so different. I LOVE it!!