Smalls SAL – June 2015 Check-In

It may only be the 24th, but it is already the last Wednesday of the month. That means it is Smalls SAL check-in time. How time flies! (It is also the penultimate day of school around here, so it is extra exciting!)

Monster Mash, designed by Mill Hill

Monster Mash, designed by Mill Hill

This month I stitched yet another Mill Hill kit–Monster Mash from the 2014 Autumn Harvest collection. It is stitched as per the chart, except I was lazy and attached the petite beads with a half cross stitch rather than a full. :/ I made a pretty big mistake with it yesterday which is why this post was a little delayed. And why was I working on it yesterday? Because last Friday I split boiling water over my hand and it needed to heal. (Thankfully it wasn’t too badly damaged. After keeping it cold for hours, it was mostly just stiff and tender all weekend.)

2015SmallsSALSo, what did you stitch this month? I can’t wait to see! Be sure to add your Smalls finish to the list at the end of this post. The list will stay open to new entries until about midnight on July 1st. (That’s Canada Day! Yay!)

Next Month – We are quickly coming up on July and I thought it would be fun to have a little bonus for anyone who finishes and shares a Christmas small in July–one extra entry into the end of the year draw! Yay! Stitch Christmas smalls with me and help encourage me to finish (or at least make a lot of progress) the Santa’s Journey Stocking. Of course, I’ll be sharing a Christmas small too. It is already sitting by my stitching spot waiting for me to get started. We’ve all got until July 29th to finish. If you don’t like stitching smalls, I’ll also give an extra entry for any July or summer/winter (depending on your hemisphere) themed finishes.

Do you need reminders? If you are worried about missing a check-in date, you can sign up for my reminder email here. I only send out emails once a month, and your email address is super safe with my provider, Tiny Letter (aka MailChimp, or MailKimp depending on your preference 😉 ).

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13 Responses to Smalls SAL – June 2015 Check-In

  1. Anna says:

    Cute little monster!

  2. Lynn Jones says:

    Monster Mash is adorable! You’re one step ahead in your Halloween stitching. Congrats!

  3. Glad you hand is better.

  4. Just found you today, following on Bloglovin now. What a great idea, small finishes!

  5. Paula says:

    Hi Heather! Don’t know if you can access this stuff, but it is the Best. Thing. Ever. when it comes to healing skin. We use it on kitchen burns (after cooling!) and on all sorts of cuts & grazes.

  6. Gwen says:

    Sorry to hear about your hand. Hope all is well now. I love Frankie!

  7. Heather says:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Paula. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it is available here. 🙁 Thankfully, though, my hand is doing really well! It is only a bit tender in the sun now and otherwise just fine. Thank goodness!

  8. Joanne P says:

    Christmas in July? Don’t you mean Hallowe’en in July?
    I am sure I can find room for a Christmassy small next month. A ghost with a santa hat maybe?

  9. Heather says:

    Every month is Halloween month, Jo! Except there are no extra entries. 🙁

  10. Kate says:

    He’s adorable, Heather 🙂 I must get brave one day and attempt one of these beaded pieces. Ouch! I’ve spilled boiling water on my foot before and know how much that hurt. I hope your hand is feeling better.

  11. Sheryl says:

    another amazing beaded design. hope the hand is much better.

  12. Lots of lovely Smalls this month.

  13. BentNeedle says:

    Well, I missed the link up but I still got a small finished! Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂