Stitch from Stash – June 2015

It is Stitch from Stash check-in time again! Yay!!

Stitch from Stash 2015AJune marks the end of the A group, so this is a good time to reflect on how I have done.

Month – June
Spent – $44.01
Earned – not tracking

I have a small correction to May. I actually spent $57.91, not $55. Close enough, and it doesn’t make any real difference in the end. For the six months of Stitch from Stash A, there is a combined budget of $150. Overall, I spent $149.44. I spent the least in February ($0) and the most in May ($57.91). I didn’t go over budget for any month, since by May I had enough banked. Yay!

June Stitch from Stash Purchases

June Stitch from Stash Purchases

So, what did I spend my budget on this month? Well, I bought the Lizzie*Kate kit I shared a few days ago, and two more Mill Hill kits! Exactly what I needed, right? They really are my weakness. 😉 And, as I’ve said, my little Halloween tree does need some more ornaments.

Stitch from Stash 2015 BI have signed up for the B group of Stitch from Stash, which will run from July to December. Essentially, it will continue with the same rules: $25 per month as the budget, with unspent money being bankable. If you’d like to find out more, head over here.

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3 Responses to Stitch from Stash – June 2015

  1. Joanne P says:

    Your budgeting was perfect! The two new ornies are cute too.

  2. Ruth says:

    Congratulations! Excellent shopping.