It is Stitch from Stash check-in time again! Yay!!
June marks the end of the A group, so this is a good time to reflect on how I have done.
Month – June
Spent – $44.01
Earned – not tracking
I have a small correction to May. I actually spent $57.91, not $55. Close enough, and it doesn’t make any real difference in the end. For the six months of Stitch from Stash A, there is a combined budget of $150. Overall, I spent $149.44. I spent the least in February ($0) and the most in May ($57.91). I didn’t go over budget for any month, since by May I had enough banked. Yay!
So, what did I spend my budget on this month? Well, I bought the Lizzie*Kate kit I shared a few days ago, and two more Mill Hill kits! Exactly what I needed, right? They really are my weakness. 😉 And, as I’ve said, my little Halloween tree does need some more ornaments.
I have signed up for the B group of Stitch from Stash, which will run from July to December. Essentially, it will continue with the same rules: $25 per month as the budget, with unspent money being bankable. If you’d like to find out more, head over here.
Cute kits!
Your budgeting was perfect! The two new ornies are cute too.
Congratulations! Excellent shopping.