Icy Finish

Oh, stitchy friends, can you believe I managed to finish something else? I’m on a roll. Actually, I’ve come to the end of a short productive streak. 😉

Icy Ornament, designed by Carol Storie

Icy Ornament, designed by Carol Storie

This is Icy Ornament, designed by Carol Storie for the 2015 Creativ Festival. It is stitched on fabric with metallic threads woven into it, and used DMC variegated Perle cotton, Kreinik braid, and three colours of Mill Hill beads.

I actually managed to finish this one up on the class, but it took me a little while to get around to turning it into an ornament. (One lady in the class decided to do the snowflake as blackwork, so she didn’t progress too far. But, she sort of made me wish I had tried, until I remember that I don’t like blackwork because it is too fussy! Her piece, though, looked so lovely from the back and front.)

cy Ornament, Carol Storie (back)

cy Ornament, designed by Carol Storie (back)

I finished it up by lacing the design and pretty snowflake fabric to some batting covered cardboard (I use acid-free comicbook board because it is very inexpensive), and then sewed the two halves together. I then glued purchased cording around the edges.

I know the thought of using glue makes some of you recoil in horror. But, honestly, this isn’t an heirloom piece. I wouldn’t use glue on the stockings I’m making for my family, but for something like this I am perfectly comfortable doing so. And, you should be too. 😉

Smalls SAL – Don’t forget, the check-in for the Smalls SAL takes place tomorrow! I know it is American Thanksgiving and many of you will be busy. But, don’t worry. The list will be open to new entries until midnight Eastern time on December 4th.

2016 Smalls SAL – An announcement about next year’s Smalls SAL will be coming on Monday, November 30th. Yay!

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10 Responses to Icy Finish

  1. Linda says:

    Adorable finish Heather.


  2. Susan says:

    Love this one too. The finishing is perfect. You’re right, glue is perfectly acceptable for these pieces. If folks are uptight about it, there are archival glues that can be used.

  3. Lynn Jones says:

    Such a pretty finish! I use glue on most of my ornaments. It just makes things so much simpler! BTW, I could be wrong but my calendar is marked as the full moon taking place today. It’s a Canadian calendar so who knows, lol!

  4. Heather says:

    Great finishing job 🙂

  5. Justine says:

    Great work – it looks gorgeous! I’m saving this post for inspiration when I next come to finish a circular design.

  6. Rachel says:

    Such a sweet little ornament. Congratulations on another finish!

  7. Joanne P says:

    Lovely ornie. I use double sided tape on my scrapbook finishes, they may not last 100 years but that’s OK.
    My larger pieces are all professionally framed though.

  8. Meari says:

    It’s very pretty! Well done. 🙂