Smalls SAL – November 2015 Check-In

Hello, Smalls Stitchers and a Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans. (Happy Thursday to the rest of us. 😉 ) It is time for the penultimate Smalls SAL check-in of the year.

Holiday Holly, designed by Mill Hill

Holiday Holly, designed by Mill Hill

This month I dug out a really old kit, but one my favourite design lines: a Tiny Treasure Diamond from Mill Hill. This one is Holiday Holly, and was really more beads than stitching. So, it worked up pretty quickly.

What did you stitch? Are you working on Christmas ornaments, still finishing up Halloween designs, or maybe working on some holiday gifts? I can’t wait to see! Please head down near the bottom of this post and add your link to this month’s check-in list. Remember, every time you share a finished small you get another entry into the end of the year draw.

The list will stay open until midnight Eastern on December 4th. I know this is a busy time of year for many people, so I want to make sure you have lots of time to share your wonderful smalls. And, please also take a little bit of time to visit some of the other participants.

December Check-In – Next month’s check-in will take place on Tuesday, December 29th. I’m moving it up a couple of days (like I should have done this month…) so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of New Year’s Eve, etc. Like always, the check-in list will remain open to new entries for a week. If you’ve like a reminder, make sure you are subscribed to the Smalls SAL mailing list.

2016 Smalls SAL – Yes, the Smalls SAL will be returning next year. Yay! I love all the inspiration I get from you, and many of you have written to tell me the same things. So, I will be making an announcement about how the 2016 SAL will work next Monday. Don’t forget to check back then.

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12 Responses to Smalls SAL – November 2015 Check-In

  1. Judith says:

    sweet finish, love the beads on it

  2. Emma says:

    Great finish – I hope to do better at this SAL next year! x

  3. Dani says:

    Those Mill Hill kits are always so lovely! Nice small!

  4. Brenda says:

    Such BEAUTIFUL stitching and finishing!!! Love the design!

  5. Elunia says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Heather, and to all the Americans 🙂
    Very nice work .

  6. Pingback: November Smalls | sewscrapmuse

  7. Nelza says:

    How beautiful!

  8. Rachel says:

    Another gorgeous finish, even if it is an old piece. I shall enjoy visiting the participants in your smalls SAL. 🙂

  9. Joanne P says:

    Another lovely ornie. I do like the Mill Hill beaded designs.

  10. Michele says:

    Love the Mill Hill kits. I have several of the Tiny Treasures myself.

  11. MaryJane says:

    Beautiful ornament! Love it…