Smalls SAL – October 2016 Check-In

Hello, Smalls Stitcher! Welcome to the October check-in for the Smalls Stitch Along. If you are new, you can find all the information right here.

SmallsSAL2016We are only a few days away from Halloween, one of my favourite days of the year. (To be honest, I can’t decide if I love Halloween or Christmas more.) So, of course I had to stitch something Halloween-y this month.

Pumpkin Pocket, designed by Lizzie*Kate

Pumpkin Pocket, designed by Lizzie*Kate

I stitched up Pumpkin Pocket, a limited edition kit from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it using the fabric in the kit and DMC threads. The fabric and trim for finishing were also included in the it. I made a minor change to the “1” in the “31” within the O just because I thought the original looked a little odd.

Love Summer, designed by Lizzie*Kate

Love Summer, designed by Lizzie*Kate

As a little bonus, I also finally sewed up Lizzie*Kate’s Love Summer, the finish I shared as my August Smalls SAL check-in.

Speaking of check-in, you can do so using the form at the bottom of this post. Please be sure to leave the permalink for your check-in post, not the link for the main page of your blog. Also, please use a picture of your finish with your link.

The link list will stay open to new entries until about midnight Eastern time on November 4th, so you have piles of time to get something stitched and added to the list if you’ve forgotten. 😉

Next Month and Beyond

The next check-in will take place on Wednesday, November 30th. Note that the date is moving to the last Wednesday of the month just for November. This is because our American friends celebrate Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November (the 25th this year), and I wanted to make sure that they had lots of time to get their stitching done and added to the list. We will return to the last Thursday of the month for December’s check-in.

And, after December? Well, that is up to you. Let me know if you would be interested in taking part in the Smalls SAL in 2017 by answering the poll question below. It will remain open for voting until midnight Eastern time on November 15th.

Would you like to partcipate in the Smalls SAL in 2017?

  • Yes (85%, 33 Votes)
  • Maybe (15%, 6 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Other--I will leave a comment/email you. (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 39

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That’s it for this month, my stitchy friends. I can’t wait to see all your wonderful finishes for this month. Happy stitching!

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9 Responses to Smalls SAL – October 2016 Check-In

  1. Amy says:

    I love your little pockets! I have the Halloween pocket kit, but haven’t started it yet. I’m not looking forward to the finishing part – I don’t sew a lot and I’m not entirely sure I understand the assembly instructions. But I love the finished product so I’m determined to make it next year regardless!

  2. Two finishes – well done!

  3. Joanne P says:

    That Hallowe’en pocket is wonderful! Has it got a nice treat inside?
    I linked up and voted but there was no category for “Heck yes, try stopping me, I’ll be there even if I’m the only one”!

  4. Pingback: Autumn Jubilee Stitch Along Wool Applique | From My Carolina Home

  5. This is a lovely Halloween pumpkin pocket, love the colours.

  6. Lynn J says:

    I adore your Halloween and summer pockets. They’re so sweet! I would love to give one of these a go but I actually detest sewing and I have a pile of finishes waiting for me to get to.
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. Summer Daisy says:

    Your pockets are the cutest little things ♥

  8. Katie says:

    I missed the check in but not the finish. Thank you so much for hosting this fun SAL. I already have my patterns picked out for next year and LOVE this SAL for the extra motivation to stick with it.