A Little Snow, A Little Spring

We’ve are having a nice taste of winter around here. Yesterday was very cold and very windy, and today we woke up to several centimetres of snow on the ground. There was enough that I got to get out my old friend:

My favourite winter friend.

My favourite winter friend.

With the wind howling around the house and more snow falling, it seemed like today was the perfect day to finish up a project that I stitched several months ago.

Hello Spring, designed by Lizzie*Kate

Hello Spring, designed by Lizzie*Kate

The pattern in Hello Spring by Lizzie*Kate. It is stitched on the linen included in the kit with DMC threads. I finished as per the instructions in the kit using the provided fabric and trims. I’m not sure when exactly I stitched this (it seems I didn’t share the finish), but it was probably some time this spring.

Don’t get me wrong–I adore winter! But, it is also nice to have reminders that seasons change and before we know it flowers will be popping up and the birds will make their return. So, enjoy the snow and cold while you can. 😉


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8 Responses to A Little Snow, A Little Spring

  1. KimM says:

    Brrrrrrrr! ”Tis the season…..lovely finish.

  2. Bea. Lapp says:

    Looks very chilly, but your finish is a lovely reminder that everything changes in season.

  3. Yes, it’s lovely to be reminded that the seasons do change. However lovely winter can be!

  4. Joanne P says:

    A snow day is perfect for becoming a finishing day! It’s just been cold and wet here.
    Love the cheeeful colours in the Spring design.

  5. nanacathy2 says:

    So lovely and soon we will pass the shortest day!

  6. Catherine says:

    Hi Heather: I do not like the cold weather but love the snow, I am a little mixed up I cannot have snow without the cold.
    Love the bag soon enough spring will be here.


  7. Anna says:

    Snow already! I really have to get the dude to buy a new car. (I know that seems like a non-sequitur, but our car that is “good” in the snow has lost its capacity for heating.) Your bag is lovely and will remind you that spring is coming even when you are ass-deep in snow! LOL

  8. Katie says:

    Oh you’re lucky (well if you’re like me a snow lover). We got a few snowflakes one day but they didn’t amount to anything yet. Love your Spring finish! Perfect way to finish it.