Snuggle Up

Making clothes really isn’t all that cost effective any more. With careful shopping and the use of discount codes, I can buy our clothes for quite a bit less than what materials and my time are worth. But, store bought clothes don’t really carry any sort of satisfaction, that feeling of a job well done keeping your family warm and comfortable. So, even though I can buy pjs for my son fairly inexpensively, I still love making pj bottoms for him.

Five new pairs of pj bottoms! So cozy!

Five new pairs of pj bottoms! So cozy!

I used Simplicity 2046, the same pattern I used several years ago to make a whole pj set for the little man when he was much littler. (I just make bottoms now since I can usually buy plain white tops for under $5 on sale.) The fabric is a selection of lightweight flannelette, bought on sale (of course) in lots of fun patterns.

A huge cuff so they will grow with the little man.

A huge cuff so they will grow with the little man.

I make use both my serger and my sewing machine, so I don’t need to worry about the fabric fraying at the seams. And, I leave very large hems in hopes that the bottoms will last a couple of winters.

Finished seams and a cute tag.

Finished seams and a cute tag.

The little tags at the rear waist help him put the pants on the right way around. I wish I could remember where I bought them, but I haven’t got a clue!

Do you sew simple, or even fancy, clothes? I’d love to hear all about it. I’m trying to get up the courage to try some more complex patterns. 😉


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8 Responses to Snuggle Up

  1. I have several things planned, but when I’m going to get to them, I have no idea!

  2. I do like to sew clothing, but I don’t do much of it anymore. I have made some skirts and blouses out of prints because I cannot find those in stores. Seems like everyone has lots of solid colors or ugly prints. Mostly I alter clothing for size and style, add embellishments or change buttons. But I have made pj pants and nightshirts for myself recently.

  3. Kim McCool says:

    Adorable – they look nice and warm!!! I can’t sew worth a darn.

  4. Bea. Lapp says:

    Love the patterns you have. I have no sewing skills but I do have a craft partner who is a wizard with a sewing machine.

  5. Joanne P says:

    Cute PJ trousers. I cannot sew at all!

  6. Katie says:

    Oh I wish I could do that. They look fantastic.

  7. Astrid says:

    They are adorable, such fun! I’ve made pillow cases and a duvet cover out of a sheet, does that count?! I wish I liked to sew, but I’ll stick with stitching for now.

  8. Tracy says:

    I loved sewing the kids (and hubby) jammie bottoms when the kids were younger. They liked that they wind up with something that is unique to them. Its been a while though since I’ve done so for that very reason of price balance.