WIP Wednesday – Almost There

Hello, Stitchy Friends. It is Wednesday again. And, no matter what craziness may be happening out there in the world, our stitching will always be there to help us get through it.

All Hearts Come Home Stocking, designed by Dimensions (WIP)

All Hearts Come Home Stocking, designed by Dimensions (WIP)

Look at that! I’m backstitching! In fact, I’m about 75% finished with the backstitch. Once that is done, I need to add about 50 beads and then that is it! It will be sewn up into a stocking well before Christmas Eve. Yay!

All Hearts Come Home Stocking, designed by Dimensions - door detail

All Hearts Come Home Stocking, designed by Dimensions – door detail

This is such a lovely design. I’m so glad that I decided to stitch it, and I’m equally as glad that my dad likes it too. Once this one is finished I will have two more stockings to stitch: one for my husband and one for me. I’m debating on whether to stitch my husband’s next, or take a bit of a break and work on a few other larger projects that I have put on the back burner.

SmallsSAL2016Speaking of stitching plans, don’t forget that the next Smalls SAL check-in is taking place a little late this month. It will be on November 30th, the last day of the month, so that our American friends have a little extra time. (Their Thanksgiving falls on our normal check in day.)

If you have a moment and haven’t done so already, please head over to this post and let me know if you are interested in taking part in the Smalls SAL in 2017. The poll will close on November 15th.

Happy stitching!


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6 Responses to WIP Wednesday – Almost There

  1. Meari says:

    It looks great!

  2. Bea. Lapp says:

    It’s beautiful! And so inviting – you want to walk that path and knock on the door.

  3. My goodness, looking very good. The backstitch is sharpening up the picture and bringing it into focus, isn’t it!

  4. Justine says:

    Beautiful stitching. I love how the lamp-post has popped out now you’ve backstitched it. We’ll done on your timing too!

  5. Katie says:

    Wow it’s just beautiful. I’m sure your Dad will love it.

  6. Joanne P says:

    Oh wow, the toe did stitch up quickly. The backstitch really brings it to life too.