I’m feeling a little better today, even if I didn’t sleep well last night. Why can’t life be fair?
Anyway, I thought I would give Witches Weekly a try today.
Do you celebrate Samhain? If not, why?
I do, but I don’t preform any big rituals. I’m not a ritual kind of girl. This year I hope to go on a bit of a walk just after dark, and hopefully see a few little trick-or-treaters walking around. (We live in an apartment building, so we don’t get any kids.) After that, I will cook a dinner appropriate for the time of year. Before bed, I will take some quite time to remember those who have passed over, and then I will do a Tarot reading for the coming year.
What’s your favorite aspect of Samhain?
My favourite aspect is that it marks the beginning of a more introspective time of year.
What ancestor do you plan to honor this Samhain season, and why?
Thankfully, none of my family or friends passed over this year. I will remember those loved ones who passed away before, though, even if they have already moved on. Also, I will take a few moments to remember people everywhere who have died because of war or other violence. Yeah, that sounds all lovely and newage (rhymes with sewage), but I think such deaths are horrible. I will not name any victims specifically, because I do not want to intrude on private grief.