I am so sad and out of touch with myself and all things spiritual that I missed Imbolc. I wonder if my short walk around the building counts as communing with nature. It would have been even shorter if I had got my key to work in the side door. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. My mom is convinced that I’m suffering from depression, which is probably true. (I was on medication for depression about four years ago.) I have no interest in things I used to love to do. I haven’t written anything for The Lotus Pond in ages, nor have I touched my Tarot cards or played a game for more then 10 minutes at a time. Something is seriously wrong, and a big part of me doesn’t care.
About Heather
Needleworker, Knitter, Crocheter, Sewist, Paper Crafter, and more!
Also known as Silverlotus & Stitchinglotus
Located just outside of Toronto, Canada.
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