The interview didn’t go so well. It was at a small catering shop (which smelled wonderful!), with a tiny front office. The entire time I was there it was busy. People coming in, people calling, questions about this order and that. I didn’t get to say much more then 20 words. I am sorely disappointed because it seems like a great job for me. It is about a 40 min walk, or maybe 15 min by TTC. It would be a simple job, yet also a very busy one. I know I would be great if given the chance. But, I am sure I won’t be remembered when the time comes. It is hard to make an impression when you don’t get a chance to say anything.
I walked home from the interview and looked in some of the shops along Bloor West Village. I picked up a great journal and some cranberry body creme. I also looked in a really great Chapters. It is in a building that used to be a theater. The stairs and slopping floors are still present, and the magazines are on what used to be the stage. Instead of the comfy chairs you find in most Chapters there are old theater chairs. It has a wonderful atmosphere. I also checked out the nearby needlepoint shop. I was a bit disappointed, as it is pretty unorganized and run down. They carry some cross stitch supplies, but they are very expensive. I guess it is for the best not to have a needlework shop so close by, though.
I’m going to mope for a few hours then jump back into the fray. I know there is a job for me out there somewhere.