Little Girl Lost

I’m sure this story isn’t well known outside of Southern Ontario, but I think everyone can relate. Cecilia Zhang, a nine year old girl from Toronto, was abducted from her bed in October. All over Toronto, people tried to help find her. In almost every store window these is a poster about her disappearance, taxi cabs have signs on their windows, and the whole city was looking for her. The police even sought help from the Chinese government, fearing that she may have been taken there.

Sadly, Cecilia was not found alive. Her body was found on Saturday, in a ravine behind a church in Mississauga.
CBC News: Police confirm Cecilia Zhang’s body found.

A city of over a million people searched for this girl, as if everyone knew her. Of course, very few people did, but when a child goes missing it doesn’t matter if she was family, friend, neighbour or stranger. They just need to be found. Sometimes they are, and returned to an ecstatic family. Sometimes they aren’t, and a whole city grieves. It is horrible that this happened to Cecilia’s family. I wish there was a way that we could stop these awful things, that we could make sure that a parent never has to grieve for a lost child.

I never knew Cecilia, but I still feel sad. I hope that she has found peace, and I dearly hope that her family is okay.

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2 Responses to Little Girl Lost

  1. Vilma says:

    That is so sad , I had not heard of the case but anytime a child is taken like that …it’s just terrible.

  2. echa says:

    9 years old girl? what? it’s so sad! i’m thinking now how sad her parents are 🙁

    btw i found this web at blizg, nice web and this story is really so sad 🙁