Monthly Archives: January 2006

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spamity, Spam

My grade four teacher taught my class that we should never say we hate something because hate is a strong feeling that is nearly impossible to feel. Instead, she said we should say we loath and detest something. Years later, … Continue reading Continue reading

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Non-Writing Writer

I am a writer who doesn’t write. I hide from my pen and paper like they are conspiring to give me some incurable disease—hope and accomplishment. Sometimes I am nearly in tears because I want to write so badly, yet … Continue reading Continue reading

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Big Five Personality

Here are my results from the Big Five Personality Test. Big surprise, but I am very introverted. Who would have guessed? And I’m also a little high strung. Colour me shocked. I’m a O53-C86-E4-A57-N84 Big Five!! So, what are your … Continue reading Continue reading

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Election Results – 2006

I promise this is my last post about Canadian politics for at least a little while. Honestly! So, last night the Conservative part won a minority victory. They have 124 seats in parliament, compared to the Liberals 103 seats. This … Continue reading Continue reading

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E-Day 2006!

Today is Election Day here in the Great White North. Oddly enough, tomorrow is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year (Boston Globe story about this). I guess we will discover the truthfulness of this when we … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Few Changes in Direction

I’ve been giving some thought to the direction that I want this blog to take. My blog description is “Reflections on life from a somewhat confused spiritual seeker.” Because of this, I feel like all, or at least the majority, … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cantonese vs. Egyptian

I’m having a hard time deciding if I should learn Cantonese (the language of quanta’s family) or if I should learn to read Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs (the writing system of my biggest passion, outside of quanta of course). I know … Continue reading Continue reading

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