Today I started my new fitness routine using Yourself!Fitness. And, oh my goddess!, am I ever out of shape!! I barely made it through my 15 minute work-out, and here I thought I would be able to handle 30 minutes! And jumping jacks, let me tell you that they are not a friend of well endowed women. If you know what I mean. 😉
Seriously though, as I continue to say, I am very surprised by how unhealthy I have let myself become. Doesn’t the Rede say “An it harm none, do as thou will”? Well, letting myself become so unhealthy is surely harmful, and it is well past time to undo that harm. I really like Yourself!Fitness, even though it has reinforced the fact that I am horribly uncoordinated. The “virtual fitness trainer” Maya is friend and encouraging, and I am pretty certain she is not snickering at me because I keep getting the movement wrong. (The same can’t be said for my evil cat Isis, who I’m sure was laughing herself silly as she smugly watch on.) I certainly hope this program will be just what I have needed to get me motivated.

(Fat) Goddess Within
I am having a fat day. A very fat day. I even ate some chocolate, which didn’t help at all. I’ve started reading Body Sacred by Dianne Sylvan, a book about women’s relationship with their bodies from a Wiccan point of view. Ms. Sylvan makes it clea…