Busy Fingers

Before the Baby Man got sick, I was actually moving along very well with several of my projects.  In fact, over the weekend, while he was just feel blah rather than bad, I even finished two small designs.

Black Hatter by Sue Hillis

Black Hatter by Sue Hills
Fibres: DMC
Fabric: opalescent Silkweaver Solo
Button: included with chart

I Love My Cat by Brittercup DesignsI Love My Cat by Brittercup Designs
Fibres: DMC, WDW, Crescent Colors
Fabric: Silkweaver Solo
See notes on colour substitutions here

Not bad for a weekend’s worth of work, eh?  I also put in a little bit of work on Christmas Treasures and Lily of the Valley Fairy, but not enough that it is worth sharing pictures.  If Baby Man keeps getting better, I will hopefully have some progress to share by the weekend.

My next pair of socks is moving along pretty well too, despite the fact that it took about 3 tries to get guage (and I ended up with the first needle size I tried…) and also the fact that I had to rip it out when it was 3/4 done because I realized I was doing the decrease in the second part of the pattern wrong.  Seriously, how annoying is that?  Anyway, here is the nearly done #1 sock, horrible colour pooling and all.

wip-pretycomfysocks-may212009Pretty Comfy Sock by Debbi Young
Yarn: Cascade Fixation in colourway 9843 Purple Passion

The sock is pretty comfy, but I hate the colour pooling.  Judging by the way it looks, I think it would pool regardless of what sock pattern I used.  I’ve got a bunch more Fixation to use for socks and a few other things.  But, I think I will be sticking to their solid colours once I deplete what is in my stash.  (Yes, this is an awful picture.  Sorry about that.)

The Never Ending Blue Shawl of Doom is done!  It still needs to be blocked, so the edges are rolling.  It looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself.  The variegated yarn makes it a bit difficult to see the pattern in the centre, but I think that is okay.

Pentacle Shawl

Pentacle/Pentagram Shawl by Maria Merlino
Yarn: Filatura Di Crosa Millefili Fine in colourway 282

And, even though yesterday was TW Wednesday, I didn’t do any stitching on Delightful Dragon.  I didn’t do any stitching at all, actually.  I’m still a little (overly) concerned about Baby Man, so I wasn’t able to concentrate well enough to stitch.

Here is the long promised picture of Baby Man wearing his Manly Baby Kimono.  As you can see, it is a little big for him, but he still looks super cute. 😉

Out and About in the Manly Kimono

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1 Responses to Busy Fingers

  1. Erica says:

    Those are gorgeous finishes. The shawl turned out really well. You’ve inspired me to work on some socks myself but a very simple pattern, since I’m a pathetic knitter at best!

    I love the picture of Baby Man. He’s just gorgeous. Don’t they look so proud of themselves when they start walking upright?