With Baby Man back to his old self, I’ve been able to get a bit more time to knit and cross stitch. I’ve been busy with socks (yes, more socks), Castles in the Air, and even a couple of special gifts. I’ve also been mourning the loss of my nsLNS, Golden Threads, which made the news of their closing official today. quanta has been kind enough to grudgingly agree to let go down next weekend to say goodbye and check out the sale… and maybe spend some money.
I put the finishing touches on my Pretty Comfy socks the other day. And while they are pretty comfy, I think they are kind of ugly too. The yarn pooled really strangely on the first one, and then the second one striped nicely on the leg and pooled weird on the foot. All this even though I used the same needles, had the same tension and started at the same place on the colour repeat. At least they are comfy to wear.
Pretty Comfy Socks
Yarn: Cascade Fixation in colourway 9843 Purple Passion
Now I’m working on another pair of socks, again using Fixation. (Which is super comfy but a bit annoying to work with because of the elastic.) This time I’m trying two socks at once on two circular needles. I’ll keep you updated with how they are progressing.
I’ve also been working on some dishcloths and occasionally on the Lotus Blossom Shawl, but I don’t have any pictures to share yet.
On to cross stitch! I’m slowly plugging away at Castles in the Air. I’m about 3/4 of the way through Part 2 now.
And, since yesterday was TW Wednesday, I finished up the lattice backstitching on the front of Delightful Dragon. I had hoped to have it done by the end of the month, but because I am working on a gift, that is not going to happen.
I’m going to be putting the last of the beads on the H Fairy this evening, and will have a final picture of her to show soon too.