I thought that today I would address a few comments and other things that I have popped up over the past couple of weeks.
First, thank you to everyone for the well wishes for Baby Man. He is almost back to normal now, and I was even able to escape for a little while yesterday. Daddy and baby had a nice afternoon while Mommy engaged in some retail therapy in an attempt to regain her sanity. Seriously, this first illness was tough, but thank goodness it turned out to be so benign.
Next, as to my Stash Stitcher vow. It isn’t so much an issue of being able to afford things, or of more or less losing my nsLNS. It is more like I have recently realized just how many things I have already that I really, really want to finish. And then I keep adding to the list and it feels like nothing ever gets done. I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed by everything.
And, with my knitting habit, we are starting to run out of storage space. We live in a lovely, largish condo, but a condo is a condo and there isn’t a lot of room to store piles of yarn, yards of fabric, and stacks of floss. And that isn’t even mentioning the kits under the bed and the charts in the filling cabinet that is bursting at the seams. I’ve considered trying to “borrow” some space in Baby Man’s room, but his toy collection is too big.
Seriously, we all know that I’m likely to break down at any moment anyway. Enchanting Lair has a few designs due out this year that I may want, and I found an X’s and Oh’s design at the spring CreativFestival that I’ve been thinking about ever since. (It’s the Colours of Canada Sampler, and the best picture I could find of it as waaaay at the bottom of this page.) Goodness knows what other designers are planning on bring out. So, you know, I will do my best and try to clear some of the designs I most want to complete as quickly as possible. But I won’t punish myself too badly if I have a small break… 🙂
And, as for my knitting, I really appreciate all the comments on it. I’ve only been knitting since September, so I’m still a real beginner. But, I’ve found that in a lot of ways it is like stitching. I just need to follow the directions, look up every stitch I’m not familiar with, and be brave!
Since it is the New Moon, it is also time for the Totally Useless Stitch Along. (You can find out more information here.) I bought myself a lovely new jar a few weeks ago, without realizing that it won’t make for very good pictures. It looks lovely sitting on my desk, though.