Lace and Cable Socks

More socks! I’m sure that comes as a huge surprise. 😉

Lace and Cable socks by Wendy D. Johnson

They are Lace and Cable Socks from Wendy D. Johnson’s book Socks from the Toe Up: Essential Techniques and Patterns from Wendy Knits. The yarn is Mary Maxim Bamboo Soft Stripes in colour Deep Blue Sea.

I’m pretty pleased with how well I did matching the stripes, given that I didn’t do any planning before starting. I was in the middle of one of the colours, and had to guess where to start for the second sock. (If you are smart, when matching stripes, you try to start at the beginning of a colour change, so you can easily start in the same place on the second sock.)

Close-up of lace and cables

The socks went fairly quickly since the lace was only done on every other row, and only on the front of the leg (and the front of the foot too, obviously). The cables were easy to do without a cable needle since the stitch that is crossed over was actually slipped for the two prior rows, and hung around nicely waiting to be manipulated.

These socks will soon be on their way to a new home out in British Columbia, nd I will starting my March socks soon. I will be doing another pair for the lady in Sarnia next month, which I think I will count as my March socks. They are LoveSocks, and will be done in the same pink and rose Panda Cotton I used for the other pair I did for her. I may also try to do a pair of plain anklets for myself (or at least finish the pair I’ve been working on since December.)

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2 Responses to Lace and Cable Socks

  1. Giovanna says:

    Gorgeous socks, well done!

  2. Christine says:

    I’m having a stitching evening at my place on March 15. Let me know if you are interested in joining us. Erica will be coming (she’s the excuse for it!).