The Socks That Broke the Camel’s Back

Well, actually, the ones that hurt my hand. 🙁

Tintern Abbey Socks, designed by Brenda Dayne

The pattern: Tintern Abbey by Brenda Dayne (the host of the Cast-On podcast). The pattern is available on Ravelry here individually, or on Brenda’s site as part of her eBook Welsh for Rainbow (totally worth the price for the whole book, in my knitterly opinion).

The yarn: Yarn Hollow’s Summer Love in colourway Bronze. (Her base is my favourite sock yarn, Panda Cotton.)

The needles: HiyaHiya metal needles, which hurt my hands sooooo much after four pairs of socks.

The solution: Knitter’s Pride Cubics; wooden needles that are square and flexible.

You history or travel buffs might be interested to know that Tintern Abbey is a real place in Wales (where Brenda lives). It is now a beautiful and hunting ruin, thanks to Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1536. After being given to courtier Henry Somerset, the lead from the roof was sold, and the buildings began their slow, graceful decay. As always, Wikipedia has more information.

Tintern Abbey and Courtyard (source: Wikimedia Commons)

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