This time last week I was sitting down for my first Creativ Festival class–Creative Persuasion with Carolyn Mitchell. It was the start of a really great weekend, full of excellent classes, the best teachers, and lots of time with friends. There was one low point, the Saturday evening Gala, but the festival organizer has already explained and apologized for it, and I think I might be willing to give it another chance next year… maybe.
Anyway, on to the class projects! Wednesday I’ve already talked about (that was Creative Persuasion). Thursday was just two classes, the Anniversary Santa with Maria E. Gollek of Marnac Designs and Seren’s Rest with Luara Dickson of Enchanting Lair. (Check out this page for small pictures of the finished pieces.) The Santa is fabulous! His beard is done in coiled couching stitches using beads and various fibres. I just love him. And, if you like him too, just be aware that it is very limited edition. There were only 25 kits and 25 charts at the start of the weekend. Goodness knows what, if any, is left now. (As a note, all of the pictures except Seren’s Rest show what I finished in class.)
Seren’s Rest is a lovely little dragon design using very bright Dinky Dyes silks. It looks like it will stitch up really quickly, and I’m already working away on it.
On Friday I had a class with Kate Atherly of Knitty and A Needle Pulling Thread. She talked about how to customize knitted socks for any foot size. I learned several cool tips, and had a really good time. Next up was the Sparkle Needle Case by Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams. I finished it up last night and will be sharing the picture in a day or two. After that was Dragon Boats with Carolyn Mitchell; pictures of those in a couple of days too. And at the end of a very long day wasYear of the Dragon Sampler, again by Jennifer Aikman-Smith. This is a lovely sampler in shades of gray and silver, and stitched on white opalescent fabric. It is stunning!
After a night of very little sleep, I was back at it again on Saturday. I started off with a cute little design from Jennifer again, You Add Magic to my Life. (You can see some partial pictures of her class designs on this page.) It is very cute, and I think it will look great in the little man’s room.
Afterwards was the Christmas Needlecase and Scissor Fob by Kim Beamish. They match the biscornu I made last year. It was a very small class, and Kim was just great.
Then it was Sunday, and the end of a long, long weekend. The morning started out with Canvaswork Dragon by Jennifer Aikman-Smith.
This, I’m sure many of you will be happy to hear, is most likely going to end up as an online class. All of her other designs from the festival will eventually end up on PatternsOnline as soon as the Creativ Festival exclusivity clause runs out.
I rounded out the festival with a class on tassel making with Carolyn Mitchell and then a beginner class on Zentangle. All in all, it was fabulous! I’m still recovering several days later, but I’m also already looking forward to next year.
What a lot of fabulous new projects!!! Makes me want to go dig out some old class projects right now….