Yesterday was the first day of classes at the Creativ Festival. I had a six hour class with Carolyn Mitchell on her design Creative Persuasion. (You can see the finished design here.) With only six hours in the class, I wasn’t able to accomplish too much. But, what I do have done is just lovely:
The fibres include lots of Kreinik braids, Threadworx overdyeds, Pebbly Perle and Neon Rays. And the colours are just fabulous! I want to say that this is the first Creativ Festival project that I will try to finish up, but I know myself. I fall in love with every class project, and I want to finish them all up as quickly as possible!
I’m back at the classes this afternoon. (no shopping yet! The show floor doesn’t open until Friday, and I don’t have any free time until Saturday afternoon.) Today it is a lovely Santa with Maria E. Gollek (you can see a small picture of it here) and a small dragon design with Laura Dickson of Enchanting Lair (also on the page I linked to). I can’t wait!
Those are gorgeous colors!! I think you got quite a bit done for a six-hour class. And I know just what you mean about wanting to finish each class project the moment you walk out of class…and then you walk into the next class!! I love taking classes and it’s one of the reasons I have such an unmanageable number of WIPs! Have fun in your next class!
Heather, thanks so much for sharing, your work is lovely and I look forward to seeing which other classes you do. I just popped to their website! Thanks for that link, what a choice of workshops, I have my eye on the purple band sampler and both the dragony ones, and the canvas work with all those amazing stitches…. slightly too far to come from Somerset UK though! Shame. Enjoy and thanks again. You are a very sharing blogger, I love reading your writing.
Stunning canvaswork – looks like a fun class.
Lovely work. I’ve just popped to the link you posted, I love that dragon so much!
Pingback: A Santa and Some Dragons – The 2012 Creativ Festival | Reflections in the Pond
Wow! Gorgeous projects I love the purple and greens 😀 my favourite colour.