September SALs

Yep, still behind. I’ve been busy getting (what feels like) a million things done that blog posting had to be delayed for a little while. But, thanks to my Power of Moms lists and folders, I’m caught up and ready to move forward!

Stitch from Stash 2014 buttonFirst up is my check in for September’s Stitch from Stash. I spent $26.45, which included Just Nan’s Miss Witchy Mouse (who was missing her tail!) and a hard copy of the Just Cross Stitch ornament issue. (I have a digital subscription, but I like having hard copies of the special issues.)

I’m planning to take October as my “free” month, and have so far pre-ordered two charts. So, yeah, I haven’t taken advantage of it, really. Although, the Creativ Festival is at the end of the month. 🙂 But, then again, I doubt there will be many cross stitch vendors.

tusalI missed the TUSAL check-in for September as well. It was the same day as the Smalls Check-in. Oops! (BTW, if you haven’t done your Smalls check-in for September, it is still open!) My little ort container for the month looked like this:

September's orts

September’s orts

And my big jar is looking nice too.

Big ort jar

Big ort jar

I will most likely skip WIPocalpyse and Turtle Trot check-ins through to the end of the year since I’m not really following along right now.

And, staying on the subject of SALs, have you voted on what you’d like to do with me next year? Shall we continue the Smalls SAL, go back to ornaments, or work on finishing? Please vote in the poll below. I’ll be closing it on October 31st. (If you have already voted, you shouldn’t be able to select another option. You will see the results instead.)

What would you like to do for a SAL in 2015?

  • Let's keep stitching smalls! I have so many more to do. (52%, 27 Votes)
  • Let's do a finishing SAL. I've got lots of things that need to be finish finished. (29%, 15 Votes)
  • Let's go back to ornaments. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and more! (15%, 8 Votes)
  • I think I'll just sit next year out, thanks. (4%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 52

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4 Responses to September SALs

  1. Dima says:

    I’m going to the Creative Festival as well and can’t wait for the end of the month. Are you taking any classes this year? I also noticed that there weren’t a lot of cross stitch vendors, which is why I’m carving out some time to pass by Gitta’s. I wasn’t able to go last year.

  2. Emma says:

    Pretty Orts! I have fallen off the wagon with all the SALs!

    Must do better next year… 😉

  3. Joanne P says:

    Haha, I forgot the Smalls post and you forgot the TUSAL. Between us we make a fully functional person!

    Enjoy your free month. I kind of had one last month because I had all my birthday money to spend.

  4. Alyssa says:

    I just discovered the SAL this month, so I’m not a veteran participant, but I love the idea of doing an ornament SAL themed to the different months of the year (snowman for January, Hearts for February, Shamrock/Celtic/Spring for March, Flowers/Easter for April, etc.)