Hello, Smalls Stitchers!
The Smalls SAL will be returning for its 5th year in 2018. I’m very grateful that so many of you have chosen to stitch along with me for the past several years. And I’m so glad that so many people asked for the SAL to continue.
There will be a few very minor changes for the 2018 SAL. First, I will be going back to using Inlinkz for the link list hosting. It is more expensive than my current solution, but it is also easier to use. Second, I will be discontinuing the monthly email reminder. According to the statistics almost no one is opening it, so I figured it isn’t worth continuing. (Let me know if I am wrong!) If you still want a monthly reminder, see below for a link to a shared Google calendar.
The Smalls SAL is a very low pressure SAL. All you need to do is stitch a small design every month and then head over to my blog on the last Friday of the month to share a link to your blog post where you share a picture of your finish. If you don’t manage to finish something one month, or two or three months, that’s no problem. Participate whenever you can.
- Stitch a small every month. You get to decide what a small is for you. 50×50 stitches? 100×100 stitches? It’s up to you. You just need to be able to get it done by the check-in day. (WIP smalls that you complete in time for the check-in are great too!) You pick your design, I do not provide designs.
- Post a picture of your completed small (stitching done, but the actual finishing is optional) on the last Friday of every month.
- Hop over here to my blog and add a comment to the current month’s check-in post to get an entry into the end of the year draw.
- You do not need to post a finish every month! Stitch what you can when you can, and check-in whenever you have a qualifying finish.
- The SAL is open to new participants all year. You can join in whenever you’d like. The more the merrier!
Also, please consider using the above graphic to link back to this page so other people can find out about the SAL and join in the fun.
The check-in dates for 2017 are as follows:
- January 26
- February 23
- March 30
- April 27
- May 25
- June 29
- July 27
- August 31
- September 28
- October 26
- November 30
- December 28
If you use Google Calendar you can add the Small check-in dates to your calendar by clicking here.
Social Media
Do you have a Twitter or Instagram account? Please share your monthly finish using the tag #smallsal2017.
Sign Up
If you’d like to take part in the Smalls SAL 2018, please sign up by adding a link to your blog to the list below. If you aren’t sure, no worries! You can add a link to the check-in any month you want without signing up. It’s all about having fun and getting some small projects stitching up.
After signing up, please consider posting about the Smalls SAL 2018 on your blog. Feel free to use the image above, and please link to this page.
Thank you to Crooked Little Pixels for the thread card image. www.crookedlittlepixel.com
Thanks for continuing this Heather!
I’ll enjoy watching what you all do!
Już piąty rok będę się bawić z Tobą 🙂
I’m in! Love the new logo. I never used the reminder, I put the dates in my stitching diary and at the start of each month write down the posts I need to make that month for the various SALs.
Thank you so very much for hosting again. I already have my new series picked out for next year. Thanks for the push to keep it up.
I’ve never joined in before, but I think this will help me get some more stitching done!