Smalls SAL 2019

Hello, Stitchy Friends and Happy New Year! I hope 2019 has been treating you well so far and that you’ve had lots of time to stitch this holiday season.

With a new year comes new things, including a new home for the 2019 Small SAL. Mary of Mary’s Thread has graciously agreed to take over hosting duties on very short notice. She has gathered together all of the info about this year’s Smalls SAL over on her blog. Please head on over and check it all out.

The SAL will run more or less as it did here, with check-ins taking place on the last Friday of the month. Mary is still exploring linking options, but I expect that adding your link will be just as easy as it was before. She is doing a great job getting everything set up for us and I really appreciate her hard work.

Thank you so much to all of you for your patience, and a big thank you to Mary for taking on hosting duties.

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3 Responses to Smalls SAL 2019

  1. dragonsluver says:

    Sorry to hear you are stepping down. But so glad to hear it will be continuing. Thank you for starting such a grand idea of the Smalls SAL. It’s a great push to do some smaller pieces each year.

  2. Joanne P says:

    I’m so pleased that the SAL will continue! I’ve been in since it was the Ornament SAL so I owe you a lot of thanks for all the Smalls and Ornies you’ve enabled me to stitch.
    Now off to see Mary to sign up.

  3. Rachel says:

    The decision to hand over the Smalls SAL couldn’t have been easy but I’m so glad both it and you are continuing. Thanks to you I’ve completed many small pieces I might not have otherwise stitched, and have loads more planned. Here’s to its continued success. 🙂