Halloween Pumpkin and Christmas Sampler

I’m having another of my grand moments of indecision.  Today (this week?) it is about which projects I should be working on.   Notice I didn’t say which projects I want to work on.  It’s getting towards the end of the year, so that means gift stitching and knitting and ornament stitching should be dominating my rotation.  Instead, yesterday I worked on my Mermaid Socks (and screwed them up so bad somehow that I’m going to have to rip them out) and cast on for a pair of Pink Ribbon Socks (link to the pattern pdf).  I also got started stitching Take Time to Read from Jeanette Douglas Designs, which was a gift from Erica and which I have been dying to start but was supposed to be an after-all-the-gifts-are-done reward for myself. Notice that none of those are Christmas-related projects.

I should be working on the Christmas gift I have about 1/3 done, on Baby Man’s scarf, on Baby Man’s stocking, on Sampler de Noel 2009 (part 5 is out), and on another stitching gift.  I should also be knitting Baby Man the pumpkin hat for Halloween, and a pair of fingerless gloves for myself.  I’d also love to get some Halloween ornaments done too, but I think that is nothing more than wishful thinking.  Clearly, I need to review my October goals and seriously think about what I want to accomplish.

Halloween by La-D-Da is on my October goal list, and I finished stitching it just the other day.  I used Dinky Dyes silk Black Coral and DMC Colour Variations 4124 (Bonfire).  I think it turned out really nice, and I will be finishing it into a small pillow using some black faux velvet for the back.  The quilt shop down the street has some fabulous Halloween fabric that I would really like to use for this, but since this is supposed to by my SALsuffit project, I can’t buy anything new for it. *sigh*  Oh well.

Halloween by La-D-Da

Halloween by La-D-Da

I also found my Sampler de Noel, which Baby Man had stuffed beside my computer desk.  I’ve got started on Part 5, but still have a ways to go.  I’m certain I didn’t centre the project on the fabric correctly, but I should have about 4 cm (~1.5″) at the bottom.  Not great, but enough for finishing, I hope.

Sampler de Noel - Part 4

Sampler de Noel - Part 4

I’m also getting really excited about the Creativ Festival next week.  I’ve hunted down the cheap “daylight” lamp I take with me (a whole $10 at Wal-Mart, and it does a great job helping me see in those dim conference rooms).  I’ve made a small list of things to look for when I get a chance to shop, although with the lack of cross stitch vendors this year I’m not expecting to find much.  It’s the classes I’m most looking forward too, and to seeing people I only see once or twice a year.  I’m so shy they probably don’t know how much I enjoy seeing them, though. 🙂  Also, I wish I could remember if the conference rooms are hot or cold.  I always guess wrong and end up dressed wrong.

Anyway, back to the grindstone.  Today it will be Baby Man’s scarf, casting on my fingerless gloves (Fetching using the leftover yarn from my Central Park Hoodie), and Baby Man’s Christmas stocking.  If I’m lucky, I may get a little bit done on Sampler de Noel as well.  We shall see.

I’m also on book 8 of the 10 Book Reading Challenge: Mirror, Mirror by Gregory Maguire.  I’ve slowed down considerable because I’m not really enjoying this book, but I don’t dislike it enough to stop reading it.  I’m also reading book 9: Way of the Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.  It is a really great book about, not surprisingly, green witchcraft.  I’m finding it really inspiring.

Don’t forget: the online Needlework Show is happening until October 12th.  There are lots of great designs to see (a couple I really would love to have), a few free charts, and some great door prize draws.

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1 Responses to Halloween Pumpkin and Christmas Sampler

  1. Erica says:

    As always, stunning stitching! 🙂

    I’m looking forward to the festival too – bring an extension cord if you’ve got one – there’s usually only two outlets in the whole room!

    As for room temperature – I usually find it cold in the rooms so I tend to dress warm. I aim for layers though – I can take something off if I’m too warm or I can slip something else on if I’m chilly.

    Hopefully you won’t be too shy to say ‘hi’ to me, will you??? 🙂
    .-= Erica´s last blog .. =-.