Flashback 2002

In 2002 I was working in London, Ontario as an assistant manager at an Electronics Boutique (now called EB Games). It was a great job and an awful job, like many retail gigs. I have always loved video games, so it was great to be surrounded by them all day. But, I also had to work through the launch of three new video game systems, all of which were crazy. Of course, through it all, I found time to stitch.

Garden Verses, designed by Mirabilia

Garden Verses, designed by Mirabilia

I stitched Garden Verses to hang over a lovely writing desk that we bought when we moved to a new apartment in 2002. Although we have moved twice (and almost three times) since then, it has always hung over that desk. I’m not sure where it will hang in the new house though, since I will be getting a new secretary-style desk.

M'Lady and the Unicorn, designed by Dimensions

M’Lady and the Unicorn, designed by Dimensions

I started M’Lady and the Unicorn back in 1998. My mom took me to Las Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday, and I had to visit the cross stitch shop there. 😉 Clearly it took me a while to finish it, but I’m glad I stuck with it. It is probably one of my favourite non-TW finished pieces.

Tending the Garden, Dimensions, 2002

Tending the Garden, designed by Dimensions

Tending the Garden was one of those kits from Dimensions that came with a printed matte and glass. Back in 2001 I had stitched another one (Harmony Under Glass), and I went to the frame shop I used to work at to get metal frames for both of them. I display them together, with a framed mirror of the same size along with them. I’m not sure where they will go in the new house either.

Speaking on moving, tomorrow is closing day for the house. So, I’m going to be very busy for the new week or two cleaning, unpacking, etc. I have some posts scheduled, and I may take some time to write a post or two. But, I promise I will be back, in the flesh so to speak, no later than August 27th for the Smalls SAL check-in.

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7 Responses to Flashback 2002

  1. Dima says:

    I love M’Lady and the Unicorn. I’m going to have to see if it’s still available on ebay.

  2. Kim McCool says:

    What beautiful stitched pieces – and what great memories. Good luck with the move –

  3. Marcy says:

    Lovely work. Best of luck with the move. May nothing get lost or broken.

  4. apxstitch says:

    Love all of them but especially fond of the Mirabilia 🙂

  5. Joanne P says:

    Love the Mirabilia, you must find a home for her in the new house.

    2002 was a quieter year for me after 2001 LOL. I was pregnant for most of it and had the Large Boy in September. I managed alot of stitching during the pregnancy, especially my five weeks maternity leave but then once he arrived stitching went out of the window for some considerable time!!

  6. Desiree says:

    Good luck with the move! It’s so satisfying once everything is back in its place again.

  7. Linda says:

    Gorgeous pieces Heather. They will look great in your new home.
