We take possession of our new house in just a couple of days, and I’m feeling good because things are coming together. (Just don’t talk to me about the leakĀ in the basement or the seller’s agent…) Between packing boxes, trying to entertain my 6 1/2-year old, and trying to keep sane, I’m also attempting to get going with the Mind Organization for Moms Premium program. And, ladies, it has been very helpful in keeping my feet on the ground during the past week.
Firstly, I’m getting my email inbox under control. Okay, I’m still not very good at replying to blog comments (but I love them all!), but now I’ve got them labelled properly, which will make them easier to find and reply in the future (when I come up for air in September…). I’ve also created inbox labels and folders to store emails, registration and serial number emails, Needlework News, things I need to take care of right away or someday, and a few other things too. It might seem like a small step, but it is already making a difference in how I go through my email, and I know it will help over the next two weeks when I won’t be able to process my email as often as I do right now.
I’ve also begun to implement the folder system. The most important one right now is Someday. As I’m going through things to pack them up, I’ve come across a lot of things that I know I need to get back to… someday. For example, while tidying up my cross stitch patterns, I wrote a list of patterns I’d like to stitch sooner rather than later, and that list has gone into my Someday file. The next time I’m at a loss as to what to stitch, I’ll pull out that list and pick something. I’ve also stuck in a reminder to sort through a box of papers from grade school (Don’t judge! I’m sure you all have papers that old too!) once things have settled down.
Since back to school sales are in full swing, I decided to pick up some of the supplies I’ll need to get my who M.O.M. machine up and going next month. Yes, it is more to move, but saving big money trumps not moving one additional box. I’ll also be ready to get started with the introductory M.O.M. in 2 Weeks program in September, setting me firmly on the road to organization–and more time for stitching!
If you’d like to find out more about Mind Organization for Moms, M.O.M. in 2 Weeks, or the other programs offered by Power of Moms, head over here. And don’t forget about the free Master the Whirlwind program.
WOW! Your organizational skills are impressive and inspiring. Best of luck with your move.
It is so fun for me to see you implementing this program! Great write-ups, and good luck with your move!