Category Archives: Homemaking

Power of Moms – Making My Machine

I’m still working my way through the Power of Moms program, and I am loving it even more. I mentioned earlier how making use of the Someday folder helped reduce some of the stress involved in our move. (I’m one … Continue reading

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Getting Crafty

Hello from my new home! Our furniture and the majority of our boxes were moved last Tuesday, and we are getting settled in nicely. Unfortunately, most of my craft supplies are still at my in-laws. But that hasn’t stopped me … Continue reading

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Someday with Power of Moms

We take possession of our new house in just a couple of days, and I’m feeling good because things are coming together. (Just don’t talk to me about the leakĀ  in the basement or the seller’s agent…) Between packing boxes, … Continue reading

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Getting Organized Online for the Move

As you’ve probably already figured out, we’ve bought a house. It is going to be a big change, but it is made easier by the fact that the location, while deep in the suburbs, will still allow me to walk … Continue reading

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100 Days of Summer!

Summer is right around the corner, believe it or not. I, for one, can’t wait until it arrives. This past winter really beat me down, and I’m ready for some warm fun. I’ve already started filling in our summer calendar … Continue reading

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Packing Up

We bought a house a couple of weeks ago, and our own home will be going on sale in just over a week. And, right now, I sit surrounded by drab cardboard boxes full of stuff that I won’t need … Continue reading

8 Comments | Posted in Cross Stitch, Homemaking |

More Homemaking

Gah, April is just ticking away. On one hand, that means warm weather is immanent. Right? Right? But it also means that The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle sale is almost over. Okay, I know this isn’t of interest to some of … Continue reading

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